
About Me


James Marsters

David Boreanaz

Other Hotties

Favorite Links

Contact me

My Homepage
My name is Lisa, and I live a boring life. There is nothing ever to do in my boring town. Well just read the page About me. to find out.
James Marsters
James Marsters is my favorite actor because he is so cute, and of course, very talented! I cried during the series finale of Buffy the Vampire Slayer when Spike (his character, who is a vampire with a soul) dusted (died). Of course everything will be ok because he and his character is moving onto the WB show Angel. Thank goodness for Joss Whedon and the public's need for James Marsters huh?
Why are you here?
I really don't know why you are at my site. Maybe I gave you the address and you're looking at it. Well, you know, just don't badly criticize my page plz.

Site Enhancements
Obviously this site is new, so the new-site thing is the newest enhancement.

David Boreanaz
Even though I love James Marsters, I'm also very (very very very very) fond of David Boreanaz. He was my first love of Buffy, then Spike came... I was never that into Riley. I look forward to the next season of Angel, and I hope that he and Spike get along!

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